Advances in biomedical science, data science, engineering, and technology are leading to high-pace innovation with tremendous potential to transform health and medicine.
At the same time, these innovations carry risks that have important implications for society related to access, cost, equity, social norms and ethics, and more. There is a need for society to understand the implications of such advances and to be prepared for them. The National Academy of Medicine’s 5-year strategic plan includes an important goal to provide leadership and engage broad communities in developing a framework to proactively address these impending challenges.
To this end, the NAM has established the Committee on Emerging Science, Technology, and Innovation in health and medicine (CESTI). The committee will bring together experts in diverse fields to assess the landscape of emerging scientific advances and technologies in health and medicine and address the potential societal, ethical, legal, and workforce implications of such technologies, with the goal of developing a multi-sectoral governance policy framework.
- Health and societal implications of medical and technological advances – article by Victor Dzau and Celynne Balatbat
- Related Reports from the National Academies Press
- Related NAM Perspectives
- Kimber Bogard | Deputy Executive Officer for Programs
- Celynne Balatbat | Associate Program Officer
- Jessica Covington | Program Specialist
- Emma Freiling | Research Assistant
- Talia Lewis | Senior Communications Associate
Contact us at CESTI@nas.edu