Given the current shortage and burnout crisis faced by the health workforce, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience is working urgently to deliver a National Plan for health workforce well-being, and today released a draft plan for public input. The National Plan intends to provide a roadmap to drive collective action to improve the well-being of the health workforce, in order to ensure health workers can provide optimal care for their patients and promote the well-being of the nation.

NAM President Victor Dzau, co-chair of the Clinician Well-Being Collaborative, said, “We are seeking external feedback on the National Plan because it is critical to hear the perspectives of all who have a stake in health to make progress toward a health ecosystem that better serves both patients and health workers. We’re relying on the insights of health workers, patient communities, health leaders, policymakers, and others to shape the National Plan, as they will ultimately be the ones to carry these actions forward.”

For an overview of the draft plan, attend a public input event on Friday, May 20, from 3:00-4:30 pm ET: This event will kick off an open comment period through May 27. Provide feedback to be taken into consideration for the National Plan at

The Clinician Well-Being Collaborative is a network of expert volunteers and leaders committed to reversing trends in health worker burnout. Collaborative co-chairs include Dr. Dzau, Darrell Kirch, President Emeritus of the Association of American Medical Colleges, Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General, and Thomas Nasca, President and CEO of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. For more information on the Clinician Well-Being Collaborative, visit Join our listserv to receive updates.

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