NAM member Jeffrey Ravetch has received the 2017 Ross Prize in Molecular Medicine for his research related to the functioning of the immune system.

Dr. Ravetch has spent his career studying how the immune system protects against invaders and how a dysfunctional immune system attacks the body’s own tissues in autoimmune disease. A recent study conducted by the Ravetch lab uncovered why certain people may be more vulnerable to life-threatening secondary infections from the dengue virus. The study concluded that people infected more than once with the virus are at greater risk for the most severe forms of the disease.

The annual Ross Prize in Molecular Medicine is established in conjunction with the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and Molecular Medicine. Dr. Ravetch will receive $50,000 honorarium and will present a keynote lecture at the award ceremony on June 5 in New York City.

Dr. Ravetch has been a member of the NAM since 2007.

To learn more about the Ross Prize in Molecular Medicine, please visit

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