Stewarding practical health system transformation toward value and population health
Workshop Date and Time: July 7, 2021 | 1:00 PM to 4:15 PM ET
Where: Via webinar
In this webinar, the National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) Value Incentives & Systems Action Collaborative will explore the translation of strategic insights from NAM and NASEM initiatives to actionable approaches that accelerate movement toward integrated payment structures and away from fee-for-service payment structures, in a manner that incentivizes the alignment of resources for value and population health.
The event will seek to address two key components for action:
- Leverage key lessons for accelerated transformation by reviewing the landscape of challenges and opportunities for health system transformation that best aligns resources for health.
- Identify pathways to action by discussing practical strategies and stewardship efforts that can address systemic and organizational barriers and ensure that resources are aligned in the most efficient and effective manner to provide the best health outcomes at lower costs.
Discussions during and after this event will inform approaches and strategies for accelerating the move toward value and population health, build insight on actionable steps forward, and illuminate opportunities for continued stewardship and collaborative action.
1:00 pm ET | Welcome & Introductory Comments
- Michael McGinnis, National Academy of Medicine
- James Madara, American Medical Association
- Susan Devore, Premier, Inc.
1:15 pm ET | Keynote Presentation: Moving Towards Value
Remarks on the necessity and urgency for person-centered value to transform American health, health care, and biomedical science.
Moderator: James Madara, American Medical Association
- Jonathan Blum, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
1:45 pm ET | The Context: Themes from COVID-19 Sectoral Impact Assessments
Presentations and panel discussions on findings from the Health Payers, Care Systems, and Clinicians & Professional Societies COVID-19 Sector Impact Assessments, focusing on observations and opportunities to accelerate value and population health.
Moderator: Michael McGinnis, National Academy of Medicine
- Suzanne Miyamoto, American Academy of Nursing
- Bruce Siegel, America’s Essential Hospitals
- Rahul Rajkumar, Optum Care Solutions
2:30 pm ET | The Roadmap: Themes from Ongoing Leadership Consortium Initiatives
Presentations and facilitated discussion on the strategy, synergy, and opportunities for innovative and transformative health financing approaches identified in the Leadership Consortium Health Financing Workshop Series and the Catalyzing Innovative Health System Transformation Discussion Series in support of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation.
Moderator: Michael McGinnis, National Academy of Medicine
- Amol Navathe, University of Pennsylvania
- Cindy Mann, Manatt Health
- Hoangmai Pham, Institute for Exceptional Care
3:00 pm | The Journey Forward: Discussion on Practical Action
Discussion on the operationalization of identified strategies for accelerating the movement away from fee-for-service health financing and needs for additional insight and collaborative stewardship.
Moderator: James Madara, American Medical Association
- David Pate, Retired, St. Luke’s Health System
- Judy Zerzan-Thul, Washington State Health Authority
- Eric Fennel, Aetna, a CVS Health Company
4:10 pm | Send-off and Closing Remarks
Concluding observations, highlighted action items, and final thanks to all invited speakers and participants.
- James Madara, American Medical Association
- Michael McGinnis, National Academy of Medicine
4:15 pm | Adjourn