On December 17, 2021, the Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic convened more than 50 representatives across health professional groups, industry, federal agencies, advocacy groups, academia and research, payment and reimbursement, and health systems, to begin to explore challenges and opportunities to improve telehealth and virtual care for pain management and substance use disorder care.
Through a combination of presentations and panel discussions with subject matter experts and persons with lived experience, this meeting sought to:
- Introduce and define core concepts and themes related to telehealth and virtual care in the context of pain management and substance/opioid use disorder care, providing a shared understanding for the subsequent meetings in the series on improving access, care delivery and innovation, and quality of care.
- Share experiences from those that have both accessed and provided telehealth/virtual care services for opioid/substance use disorders and pain management, contextualizing and elucidating common pain points/challenges as well as opportunities for the integration of these services into the ecosystem of care.
Meeting materials, including the full recording of the event along with the agenda and presentations, are available now. Discussion proceedings capturing key themes and future priorities for actions gleaned from the discussion are in development and will be added to this page once available.
A new NAM Discussion Proceedings, informed by this meeting, outlines ways to improve telehealth and virtual care for pain management and OUD/SUD. Learn more >>>