The biannual meeting of the Clinical Effectiveness Research Innovation Collaborative took place on February 7, 2019. For more information, contact Mahnoor Ahmed, Research Associate, at
Meeting Focus: Stakeholder convening for the NAM Generating Support and Demand for Health Data Sharing, Linkage, and Use initiative to review the progress and develop principles, approaches, and strategies for addressing barriers to data sharing, linkage, and use.
Motivating questions: Each stakeholder workgroup in developing their stakeholder statement will consider the following:
1. Key Issues: Does the stakeholder statement adequately capture the ethical, regulatory, cultural, and financial barriers to data sharing from the perspective of their constituent group?
2. Strategies: What are the opportunities and key policy and cultural levers for facilitating progress?
3. Practices: What are concrete next steps for advancing electronic health data sharing, linkage, and use and who should steward implementation of these action steps?
Outcomes anticipated: Development of three stakeholder statements that, in addition to articulating the importance of data sharing from their constituent’s perspective, describe the cultural, regulatory, financial, and ethical barriers, and identify long and short-term solutions for accelerating progress.